Tank Programming Simulator

Image of installation 01

The Tank Combat Simulator was developed as part of a small group project at the University of Lincoln. I took charge on primary development as I was the most experienced programmer, with other members of the team contributing to UI, pixel art and working on planning and the writing required for the assignment.

I designed a language that was similar in syntax to typed languages such as C# and built an interpreter to take commands written by a user and translate them into movement in the tank. The aim of the simulator is to get the tank to the goal in one chunk of code.

Users were able to issue individual commands such as tank.moveup(), or could encapsulate these in for loops or even functions that could be called at any time. In terms of design there is much to be desired, with information being relayed to a user in blocks of text and some of the interface being a bit clunky and who knows why I thought it would be a good idea to generate the levels at runtime but the interpreter works well and builds a solid foundation for work in the future. If you’re interested in having a dig around in the code I’ve linked the GitHub below.

Repository for Tank Simulator