VR Zombies Game

Image of VR Zombies

A basic remake of call of duty’s zombies mode for the Oculus Quest featuring basic AI, weapons and waves. The game originally started life in the form of a VR assignment. The assignment required us to build a pedestrian simulator, with pedestrians crossing the street and avoiding collisions with cars. During this assignment I implemented additional features such as the pedestrians looking at the player when you stopped in front of them. I had so much fun working in VR on this particular assignment that after it was submitted, I created a new branch in the repo and created this basic zombies game in my spare time.

Below can be found some videos of both the original assignment, and my VR zombies game as well as the repository. The zombies game can be found in the zombiesTesting branch.

Repository for VR Project

Footage of Zombies Game and VR Project